Expert independent advisors in Project & Corporate Structuring.
Balance Sheet Optimisation, Equity and Debt architecture and Risk Transfer.

Leveraged & Equity Investment Partners (L&EIP) utilise its own Intellectual Property to advise companies, projects and emerging markets on their balance sheet structure, equity investment, funding and financial and business risk optimisation.
Our creative risk mitigated financial architecture and managerial skills are integrated into strategic business visions and plans providing real value to our clients.
The principal focus is on qualifying Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) or Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) projects or compliant borrowers.

L&EIP also acts as the gatekeeper to Leveraged & Equity Global Capital financing, risk mitigated flexible finance from $20 million at institutional terms.

 In summary; the provision of bespoke, flexible balance sheet, capital and risk solutions lowering the cost and risk of operations, therefore enhancing stakeholder value, reducing the cost of borrowing and enabling expansion into existing and potential new markets.
Making your project or company more attractive to lenders, investors and business partners.                            

Areas of speciality include:
Mid market and non-investment grade companies.
Sponsors, equity investors or engineering contractors of project or infrastructure developments.
Emerging market and economy Governments or sovereign advisors.
Real estate developers, REITs, RE funds and investors.
Technology companies, vendors and larger end-user clients.